MR imaging of hepatic focal nodular hyperplasia: characterization and distinction from primary malignant hepatic tumors

Spin-echo MR imaging at 0.35 T was used to image hepatic focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) and to attempt to distinguish it from primary malignant hepatic tumors. There were six FNH and 10 malignant tumors including seven hepatocellular carcinomas, two cholangiocarcinomas, and one hepatoblastoma. Our results show that FNH has a fairly consistent appearance, dissimilar from that of malignant primary hepatic tumors. Four of six FNH lesions were isointense (except for a central scar in three) and indistinguishable from normal hepatic parenchyma on all pulse sequences, whereas two of six were homogeneous but slightly hyperintense on T2-weighted sequences. Furthermore, a central hyperintense scar was seen in three of six lesions on T2-weighted sequences. In contrast, each of the malignant primary hepatic tumors was hyperintense on T2-weighted sequences and seven of 10 were hypointense on T1-weighted sequences; in nine of 10, heterogeneous areas of intensity were noted. In two fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcino...