Cancer Risk in Population Examined With Diagnostic Doses of 131I

Previously, we conducted a study of 35,074 patients receiving diagnostic doses of 131I for suspected thyroid disorders between 1951 and 1969. We reported that, between 1958 and 1984, the incidence of thyroid cancers in these patients was insignificantly greater than the incidence expected in the general population. This increase was attributed to the underlying condition that prompted the examination and not to the administration of I131. The purpose of the present study was to analyze the total cancer risk in the same cohort of patients examined with diagnostic doses of I131. To further evaluate the underlying risk of disease in these patients, we compared the incidence of all cancers with that expected in the general population. The average radiation dose was ∼500 mGy to the thyroid and >10 mGy to other organs. In the 35,074 patients, 3,746 cancers occurred following the first 5 yeazs after examination, and the resulting standardized incidence rate (SIR) was 1.01 (95% confidence interval = 0.98–1.04). SIRs were significantly increased for endocrine tumors other than thyroid cancer (1.93) and for lymphomas (1.24), leukemias (1.34), and nervous system tumors (1.19). The risk of leukemia was similar for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (SIR = 1.30) and non-CLL (SIR = 1.34). SIR was significantly decreased for cancers of the female genital organs (0.86). The risk for cancer of all sites and types combined was highest 5–9 years after examination (SIR = 1.07) and did not differ from unity thereafter. With >10 years of follow-up, risk was not statistically associated with the dose of I131. Overall, the data exclude cancer risk increments >5% (SIR = 1.05) with 95% confidence. The significant increase in the risk of non-CLL, a prominent radiogenic malignancy, however, warrants special attention. We are continuing our study to determine the possible factors involved in the significant increase in the risk of leukemia