An RF and field gradient pulse sequence is presented permitting the single‐scan volume‐selective spectral editing of the signals of coupled spins. The attribute “single scan” means that the editing of resonance lines is performed in each accumulation or phase cycling scan rather than by subtraction of independently acquired signals. As an example the methyl line of lactate has been investigated. The method is considered to be a useful tool in biomedical research using lactate as an ischemic parameter. The basic principles applied are the VOSY pulse scheme for volume selection and the INEPT sequence for homonuclear polarization transfer from the CH to the CH3 groups. As an intrinsically single‐scan editing method (“homonuclear single‐scan VOSING procedure”), the pulse train is expected to provide results that are more reliable than the two‐scan subtraction methods previously reported. © 1989 Academic Press, Inc.