Immunohistochemical study of hepatic angiomyolipoma

An immunohistochemical study was performed on nine hepatic anglomyolipomas (AML) found in eight patients. Histologically, the tumors were fundamentally composed of the three heterogeneous tissue components of blood vessels, smooth muscle cells (SMC), and fat cells, although the proportions and distributions were quite variable from tumor to tumor and from area to area in the same tumor. Additionally, cellular pleomorphism and atypia with occasional bizarre giant cells were found in the SMC component. This histologic feature might lead to a mistaken diagnosis of malignant neoplasm, and pathologists should therefore be aware of the broad histologic spectrum of hepatic AML. However, the Immunostalning patterns were basically the same in all nine tumors. All tumor components were negative for epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) and for cytokeratin. The spindle‐shaped SMC component of the tumor was occasionally positive for vimentin, desmin and alpha‐smooth muscle actin, whereas epithelioid SMC were negative for all three. Both the epithelioid and spindle‐shaped SMC were occasionally positive for S‐100 and neuron‐specific enolase. All types of SMC in the tumor, whether spindle, epithelioid, intermediate or pleomorphic SMC, were strongly positive for HMB‐45, a melanoma‐specific monoclonal antibody. Fat cells were occasionally positive for S‐100. Endothelial cells were positive for factor Vlll‐associated antigen. Among hepatic tumors HMB‐45 reactivity is, so far as we know, found exclusively in the SMC of AML, and the HMB‐45 reactivity of a hepatic tumor is thus clearly an important piece of information in the diagnosis of AML