Experience with 36 surgical cases of petroclival meningiomas

Thirty-six patients with petroclival meningiomas underwent surgery between 1978 and 1990. The tumours accounted for 13% of a total of 284 skull base meningiomas operated upon during the same time period. The most frequent neurological signs related to cranial nerve deficits, mainly of the 8th, 5th, and 7th nerves respectively. The approaches to the petroclival region were: retromastoid, pterional, subtemporal, and combined retromastoid-subtemporal. In 12 patients we used a modification of the retromastoid-subtemporal approach with preservation of the sigmoid and transverse sinus (presigmoid approach). “Total” tumour removal was achieved in 27 cases (75%). There was no postoperative death, and in 83% of cases no severe morbidity. With careful pre-operative evaluation, improved operative approaches and microsurgical techniques the treatment of petroclival meningiomas has been considerably improved.