Method for the Determination of the Surface Tension of Solids, from Their Melting Points in Thin Wedges

A method is proposed which allows one to measure the surface tension of solids whose liquids wet glass and steel and whose solid/liquid contact angle against those materials is zero. A thin wedge, formed of optically flat steel and glass slabs, is filled with liquid substance and then allowed to solidify. It is then immersed in a large heat bath whose temperature is raised at a rate of about 1.5°C per 24 hours, and is known at any time within ±0.002°C. The solid substance starts melting from the thinnest part of the wedge, well below its ``normal'' melting point Tm. From the lowering of the melting point ΔT corresponding to a measured thickness h of the wedge in the solid/liquid interface, the surface tension of the solid σS is then arrived at from the equation: σS=QfρS2TmhΔT+σL, where Qf is the heat of fusion in erg/g, ρS the density of the solid, and σL the surface tension of the substance in liquid state. The method was applied to stearic and myristic acids. For myristic acid four independent measurements gave an average value of σS=116±10 erg/cm2, all four samples showing similar orientation of the crystal lamellae (gross crystal orientation) with respect to the interface solid/liquid. For stearic acid three similar gross orientations gave an average σS=179±8 erg/cm2. One gross orientation, markedly different from the others, yielded the value of σS=135±6 erg/cm2. Thickness h was determined from the interference lines (sodium light). The gross orientation was observed in polarized sodium light.