Gas-phase EPR linewidths and intermolecular potentials. II. Experimental results for the F–He–F2 system

Detailed experimental results are reported for F‐atom EPR linewidths in both the 2P3/2 and 2P1/2 states in the presence of the perturbing species He, F2, and F atoms. Line broadening cross sections for He and F2 show similar features. The 2P3/2 EPR transitions involving a Zeeman level with projection quantum number of absolute value 3/2 have larger cross sections than ones involving only 1/2 levels. However, both the ratio and magnitude differ between He and F2. For both F2 and He, 2P1/2 cross sections are in the range 50–100 times smaller. On the other hand F‐atom perturber cross sections all are about equal in the 2P3/2 state and only slightly larger than the cross section in the 2P1/2 state. The He–F cross sections are subjected to detailed comparison with the theory of the preceding paper, with the conclusion that the model second‐order dipole‐dipole potential does an excellent qualitative job of predicting the observed cross sections, though quantitative discrepancies are noted. Possible explanations for these discrepancies are advanced. Likewise qualitative explanations are set forth to explain the F2 and F‐atom cross sections. It is speculated that additional theoretical and experimental work may demonstrate that EPR line broadening cross sections are effective probes of both long‐ and short‐range potentials.