Etiology of oral submucous fibrosis with special reference to the role of areca nut chewing

Oral submucous fibrosis (OSF) is a high risk precancerous condition, predominantly affecting Indians. Consumption of chilli was hypothesized as an etiologic factor on the basis of ecological observations and a solitary animal experimental study. Subsequent epidemiologic studies that included case-series reports, large cross-sectional surveys, case-control studies, cohort and intervention studies have identified areca nut as the major etiologic agent. Tissue-culture studies involving human fibroblasts, areca nut extracts and areca nut alkaloids supported this etiologic hypothesis by showing fibroblastic proliferation and increased collagen formation. Currently, the role of genetic susceptibility and that of autoimmunity are receiving attention. The influence of nutritional factors, if any, remains unclear.