The hyperfine structure in the J=3J=2 rotational transition of the diatomic AgI molecule in its vibrational states v=0,1,2,3, and 4 of the electronic ground state has been studied in the frequency region of 8 GHz. The variation of the nuclear quadrupole coupling of the iodine nucleus with vibrational state in Ag107 I127 and Ag109 I127 has been investigated and the nuclear quadrupole coupling constant eqvQ can be expressed as eqvQ(I127)=1061.37(11)[2.13(5)](v+12) MHz. Stark-effect measurements have been carried out on Ag107 I127 in its electronic and vibrational ground state. A least-squares fit of the Stark shifts at various electric fields gives the electric dipole moment of AgI as |μ0|=4.550(50) D.