This review discusses the potential utility of two methods using inhaled aerosols to detect and diagnose lung disease and to evaluate the efficacy of therapy. Aerosol bolus dispersion measures convective gas mixing; aerosol-derived airway morphometry assesses the calibers of airway and airspaces. These two methods are discussed in terms of their ease of use (simplicity and acceptability) and current data regarding their validity, reproducibility, specificity, sensitivity, and detection of lung improvement with therapy. Part 1 of this review focuses upon aerosol bolus dispersion; Part 2(1) focuses upon aerosol-derived airway morphometry. Aerosol bolus dispersion has many features that make it clinically attractive. It is simple to administer and patients can successfully perform the maneuvers. It detects known alterations in the lungs. It is reproducible and has high specificity and sensitivity. However, every lung disease or condition known to be detected by aerosol bolus dispersion is also detected by spirometry, maximal expiratory flow–volume curves, or another conventional lung function test. Thus, aerosol bolus dispersion appears best reserved as a specialized method to supplement conventional lung function tests and to characterize convective gas transport.