The prevalence of skin and eye abnormalities was determined in 77 journeymen welders, 75 members of other trades exposed to welding operations, and 58 non-exposed comparison workers. Characteristics including possible risk factors for skin cancer were compared among the groups. Localized cutaneous erythema was frequent in welders and occasional in other exposed workers. Small cutaneous scars were frequent in welders. There was no significant difference in prevalence of actinic elastosis by occupational group. Degree of elastosis was significantly associated with type of complexion, original hair color, eye color, childhood freckling, poor ability to tan and ease of sunburning. There were no significant differences among groups in prevalence of various dermatoses, skin tumors, alterations in visual acuity or clinical ocular abnormalities on slit lamp biomicroscopy and fundoscopy, apart from variations in amount of dust in lids. Observed prevalences of skin and eye diseases may provide useful comparative data.