National middle‐level party elites have begun to claim control over their leadership's transnational engagements particularly since preparations for the first European Elections have greatly increased transnational party (leadership) cooperation and organisation. Using a common questionnaire, political scientists from all EC countries have surveyed delegates to 39 national party conferences and 3 transnational party federation congresses, in order to compare systematically the structure of middle‐level party elites and their attitudes towards transnational policy‐making. Some preliminary results are presented here: interest in EC‐politics, federalism vs. confederalism, the powers of the European Parliament, Europe's relationship to the superpowers, coalition tendencies in the European Parliament. The data for this article were provided by the following national project directors and their teams: Belgium: Nicole Loeb, Paul Claeys Université Libre de Bruxelles Denmark: Ib Faurby, Ole P. Kristensen University of Aarhus Germany: Hermann Schmitt Universität Mannheim France: Roland Cayrol, Colette Ysmal Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, Paris Ireland: Neil Collins University of Birmingham Italy: Gianfranco Pasquino, Angelo Panebianco Universita di Bologna Luxembourg: Mario Hirsch Luxembourg The Netherlands: Isaac Lipschits Universiteit Groningen United Kingdom: Ian Gordon Paul Whiteley Kingston Polytechnic University of Bristol Coordination: Oskar Niedermayer Universität Mannheim Project‐Directors: Karlheinz Reif Roland Cayrol Universität Mannheim FNSP, Paris

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