The mass spectra of seventeen 5,5-dimethyl-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinan 2-oxides and nineteen 5,5-dimethyl-1,3,2-dioxa-phosphorinan 2-sulphides, mostly with amino substituents on phosphorus, have been determined. In some cases, interpretation of the spectra was aided by accurate mass measurements and by the examination of deuterated compounds. For the 2-sulphides, sulphur is lost either as such or as the thiol radical, both processes often being of weak intensity, and the thiol hydrogen appears to be derivable from either a ring methylene group or a C-5 methyl group. Loss of S or HS occurs more strongly for the phosphoramidothionates which, together with the phosphoramidates, also fragment to an important extent in the amido substituent with retention of the dioxaphosphorinan ring; P[sbnd]N bond cleavage is also observed. For the 2-thiones, the ions at m/e 165 (14; R[dbnd]H) and 133 (15; R[dbnd]H) are characteristic.