Combined Diffusive and Viscous Transport of Methane in a Carbon Slit Pore

The transport of mass through porous materials can occur by essentially two different mechanisms: (1) diffusion and (2) viscous flow. The former occurs when there is a gradient in chemical potential of the pore fluid, while the latter occurs in the presence of a pressure gradient. In general, fluid transport occurs by both of these mechanisms and their respective contributions to the total intra-pore flux are approximately additive. Experimentally, there is no unambiguous way of determining the individual contributions to the total flux of these two modes of transport. Fortunately, molecular simulations does provide a solution. We present a novel simulation method in which the separate contributions to the total flux are determined. The method involves the use of two non-equilibrium molecular dynamics techniques: dual control volume grand canonical molecular dynamics (DCV GCMD) and an algorithm for simulating planar Poiseuille flow. We apply this technique to study the combined (viscous and diffusive) transport of methane through single slit-shaped graphite pores of width 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 methane diameters. We find that the viscous contribution to the total intrapore flux through each of these pores is 10%, 15% and 34%, respectively.