The susceptibility of some desert rodents to experimental infections with Shigella and Brucella organisms

Desert rodents often have been used successfully as laboratory animals in parasitology (Abdel Azim & Cowper, 1950; Adler & Feldman-Muhsam, 1952; Delanoe, 1929; Kuntz & Malakatis, 1954; Nicolle, Anderson & Colas-Belcour, 1927; Sergent & Poncet, 1951 a, b) and virology (Durand & Laigret, 1932; Gear & Davis, 1942; Noury, 1948; Snyder, Zarafonetis & Liu, 1945; Van Rooyen & Danskin, 1944; Zarafonetis, 1945). However, with the exception of investigations into the role of some of these animals as mammalian reservoirs of plague (Ristorcelli, 1938; Tikhomirova, 1934; Wassilieff, 1933), no reports have been found of their use for experimental bacterial infections.