Diel Periodicity and Effect of Age and Mating on Female Sex Pheromone Titer in Heliothis zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)1

Ovipositors of the female corn earworm, Heliothis zea (Boddie), contained large amounts of extractable sex pheromone only during scotophase. Quantitative gas chromatographic analysis of ovipositor extracts for (Z)-11-hexadecenal, the species' major pheromonal component, indicated that female sex pheromone titer was maximal on the third night after adult emergence. Females in their third night began calling within 1 h after onset of scotophase, and peak calling activity coincided with maximal pheromone titer. Compared to that of virgin females of similar age, mating on the third night caused a 93% reduction in pheromone titer. Titer in mated females increased during subsequent nights, and 3 days later it was similar to that of virgin females of the same age.