The blastomycosis with which North Americans are familiar is that due to a yeastlike fungus originally described by Gilchrist1 which, long unnamed in formal botanic style, has been recently designated ``Blastomycoides dermatitidis'' by Castellani.2 This organism produces a granulomatous, suppurative, chronic lesion which may effect both the skin and the internal organs. On the skin the condition is commonly verrucous and often resembles tuberculosis verrucosa cutis. Chromoblastomycosis, however, is essentially a South American disease. While it resembles North American blastomycosis in some ways, it differs from that condition in certain important respects. Thus, whereas both diseases are chronic and the cutaneous lesions may be most extensive, verrucous, crusted and malodorous, the internal organs do not appear to be affected in chromoblastomycosis; that is, metastasis has not been reported. The granulomas appear to be more superficial in chromoblastomycosis than in Gilchrist's disease, and in general

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