Anti-idiotypic antibodies to HLA-DR4 and DR2.

The aim of our study was to determine whether antibodies recognizing epitopes of HLA-DR antigens (idiotypic antibodies or Ab1) induce the production of anti-idiotypic antibodies (Ab2). We tested the capacity of the F(ab')2 fragment obtained from two sera, one with no anti-HLA antibodies (serum ES) and one depleted by absorption of anti-HLA lymphocytotoxins (serum FH), to block the anti-DR antibodies reacting with the HLA-DR antigens of the immunizing donor. The F(ab')2 fragment obtained from serum ES inhibited the anti-DR2 activity of an earlier post-delivery bleeding obtained from the same woman. The anti-idiotypic antibodies contained by this serum also inhibited the anti-DR2 activity of a reference anti-DR2 antiserum 8W907 and of an anti-MT1 antiserum 8W1231. Similarly, the F(ab')2 fragment obtained from serum FH, after absorption of her anti-DR4 antibody, inhibited the anti-DR4 activity of autologous and homologous antisera. These data suggest that sera of parous women contain anti-idiotypic antibodies directed against regulatory idiotypes of anti-DR antibodies.