A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the WPPSI-R

The purpose of this study was to determine the underlying factor structure of the WPPSI-R. Previous factor analyses of the WPPSI generally have supported a two-factor interpretation. Three separate maximum likelihood confirmatory factor analyses were performed on the WPPSI-R standardization sample (N = 1,700). A one-factor (general), a two-factor (verbal and performance), and a three-factor solution were imposed on the median intercorrelation matrix of the 12 WPPSI-R subtests. A comparison of underlying theory and goodness-of-fit statistics for the three analyses provided support for the two-factor solution as best representing the underlying structure of the WPPSI-R. The verbal and performance factors correlated highly, which indicates an underlying general component. The results lend continued support for the interpretation of separate Verbal and Performance Scales and for the interpretation of a Full Scale Score.