‘Callose’ in the Impermeable Seed Coat of Sesbania punicea

Dry legumes of Sesbania punicea (Cav.) Benth. contain impermeable seeds which are either beige-greenish or reddish. When kept in water for over one year they do not swell. Quick imbibition was induced by a deep cut, abrasion with coarse abrasive paper, immersion in concentrated sulphuric acid, in boiling water and in boiling KOH solutions. Neither lipid solvents (acetone, chloroform, cyclohexane, diethyl ether, ethanol, xylene), nor, at room temperature, KOH solutions up to 50% per cent, permeabilized the seeds. A strong barrier to water entry appeared to be located in the palisade layer which showed ‘light points’ in places, and which seemed to be transversal thickenings. In the testa, ‘ callose’, which may play a role in the impermeability of the Sesbania punicea seed, was detected.