Magnetooptical Spectra in Pt/Co and Pt/Fe Multilayers

Magnetooptical (MO) spectra were measured between 1.2 and 5.9 eV in Pt/Co and Pt/Fe multilayers and corresponding Pt-Co and Pt-Fe alloys produced by DC magnetron sputtering. Real and imaginary parts of off-diagonal conductivity-tensor elements were calculated using optical constants n and k, deduced from the reflectivity spectra measured with synchrotron radiation. The off-diagonal conductivities thus obtained suggest that magnetooptical spectra of multilayers are caused by those of corresponding alloys formed at the interface. To confirm this assumption, a simulation of MO spectra was performed by means of the virtual optical constant method using diagonal and off-diagonal conductivity of the alloy layer determined by the experiment. The results of calculation provide evidence for the presence of an alloy layer at the interface between Pt and transition metal.