Detection of Residual Quadrupolar Interaction in Human Skeletal Muscle and Brain in vivo via Multiple Quantum Filtered Sodium NMR Spectra

Using sodium multiple quantum filtered methods, we have, for the first time, demonstrated the presence of residual quadrupolar interaction in human skeletal muscle and brain in vivo. Surface coils were used in both skeletal muscle and brain studies on healthy human volunteers. Theoretical analysis shows that even with arbitrary flip angles the double quantum filter retains filtering capability; it passes even rank two quantum coherence more efficiently than odd rank two quantum coherence. Multiple quantum filtered spectra were obtained from the gastrocnemius muscle in the leg and from the parietal lobe region of the brain. In double quantum filtered spectra, we observed different proportions of narrow and broad components with preparation time, while the line shape of triple quantum filtered spectra remained similar to the one observed in isotropic environment. These results suggest that, in human skeletal muscle and brain, sodium ions are bound to some ordered structures.