An N-body Bose-Einstein system of particles with long-range attraction and hard-sphere repulsion between particles is considered. It is shown that if the constants of the interaction have values within a certain range it is possible to calculate the ground-state energy of the system as a function of ΩN, where Ω is the volume of the box containing the system, in the limit N, Ω, with NΩ=ρ fixed. The results show that the system can possess an N-body bound state, which has an equilibrium density and negative energy, and that the interactions can be saturating. Excited states are also considered. It is shown that low-lying excitations consist purely of phonons, whose velocity agrees with that computed from the macroscopic compressibility, furnished by the ground-state energy. The formula for the general excited energy levels suggests that thermodynamically the system may have a "gas" phase and two "liquid" phases, the transition between the two "liquid" phases being the analog of the Bose-Einstein condensation of the ideal gas. Thermodynamic considerations are, however, not contained in this paper.