The electronic transport in a finite-size sample under the presence of inelastic processes, such as electron-phonon interaction, can be described with the generalized Landauer-Büttiker equations (GLBE). These use the equivalence between the inelastic channels and a continuous distribution of voltage probes to establish a current balance. The essential parameters in the GLBE are the transmission probabilities, T(rn,rm), from a channel at position rm to one at rn. A formal solution of the GLBE can be written as an effective transmittance T̃(rn,rm) which satisfies T̃(rn,rm)=T(rn,rm) +Fdri T(rn,ri)giT̃(ri,rm), where 1/gi=Fdrj T(rj,ri). The T’s are obtained from the Green’s functions of a Hamiltonian which models the electronic structure of the sample (with density of states N0, Fermi velocity v, mean free path l, and localization length λ≥l), the geometrical constraints, the measurement probes, and the electron-phonon interaction (providing the inelastic rate 1/τin).