Hearing loss and cochlear pathology in the monkey (Macaca) following exposure to high levels of noise

Eight Old World monkeys were exposed 8 h daily for 20 days to octave-band noise having center frequencies from 0.5–8 kHz at levels of 117–120 dB SPL. Two additional animals received exposures to wide-band, 120-dB SPL noise on the same schedule, and one animal was exposed to the 2-kHz octave band for 40 h continuously. Behavioral audiograms were measured throughout exposure and during a 1-month recovery period. Following recovery, the animals were sacrificed and their ears examined histologically. Monaural audiograms are presented showing initial and final TTS and PTS measured at the end of the recovery period. These are compared with complete cytocochleograms for each ear. Hair cell loss was generally restricted to the outer rows, and was reasonably well correlated with pattern of hearing loss. Some cell loss, including inner hair cells, was found in the extreme basal turn, usually without associated high-frequency hearing loss. The relationships between exposure frequency, hearing loss, and locus of cochlear pathology are discussed, as are changes in TTS during exposure.