Frontoethmoidectomy in the Treatment of Mucoceles: A Neglected Operation

• The treatment of mucoceles by the Lynch-Howarth frontoethmoidectomy has been criticized because of a high rate of recurrence and postoperative complications. The long-term results in 60 patients treated by this method are examined to evaluate these criticisms. Compared with the osteoplastic flap—obliterative procedure, our results suggest a much lower recurrence rate (4%) and considerably better cosmesis with frontoethmoidectomy. This is achieved by the use of a fenestrated Silastic drainage tube left in place for five months and careful positioning of the scar. The criticisms would appear to be unjustified, and these results lend support to the continued use of the Lynch-Howarth procedure in the treatment of frontoethmoidal mucoceles. (Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1986;112:434-436)