Aspergillosis and mucormycosis are opportunistic fungal infections that share several unique features. The etiologic agents of aspergillosis and mucormycosis are ubiquitous in the environment, but are opportunistic organisms and usually infect only patients predisposed by some underlying disease or treatment. These infections are typically characterized by hyphal tissue invasion and a predilection of the organism for blood vessel invasion with hemorrhage, necrosis, and infarction. Also, these organisms are not dimorphic, like the true pathogenic dimorphic fungi, as they grow both in the environment and within the host in hyphal forms. However, the host must contend with several forms to successfully eliminate them. Each form displays different antigenic and surface features and elicits different host responses. Finally, if germination and hyphal growth occur, the host must compete with a rapidly growing organism that is too large to be ingested by a single cell and so must be handled by extracellular defense mechanisms.