An explicit mechanism is described for the anomalous increase in dielectric constant and dielectric loss at low frequencies and high temperatures for poly(vinylidene fluoride) containing ionic impurities. Relations are proposed for the ionic contributions, εi″ and εi″, to the dielectric constant and dielectric loss: where v0 and D0 are the concentration and the diffusion coefficient of the mobile ions at infinite temperature, q is the charge of an ion (in cgs electrostatic units), l is the distance between electrodes, k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the absolute temperature, Ed is the apparent activation energy for diffusion of the ions, and W is the dissociation energy of the ionic impurities. From the slopes of curves of log εT′ versus 1/T and log ε″T versus 1/T for poly(vinylidene fluoride), energies Ed = 34 kcal/mole and W = 342 kcal/mole were obtained.