Effect of Drive Mode of Left Ventricular Assist Device on the Left Ventricular Mechanics

Pneumatically driven left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) were acutely implanted between the left atria and the descending aortas of dogs, and were driven in five pumping modes: electrocardiogram synchronous modes with the duty factors of 1:1, 2:1, and 4:1, and asynchronous modes with the pulse rates of 60 and 80 beats/min (bpm). The ventricular diameter and myocardial segment length were measured by an ultrasonic displacement meter and implantable miniature sensors. Bulk mechanical work of the left ventricle and regional mechanical work of the myocardium were calculated from these dimensions and the left ventricular pressure. LVAD reduced the bulk mechanical work of the left ventricle by 30‐50% and the regional work by 30‐60%. The mean aortic pressure and the total flow (=aortic flow+pump bypass flow) were highest in the 1: 1 synchronous pumping mode, which indicates that this mode is most effective to maintain the systemic circulation and coronary blood flow. Asynchronous pumping and synchronous pumping with 2:1 duty factor were most useful to reduce the mechanical work of the left ventricle.