Measurement of theBπlνBranching Fraction and Determination of|Vub|with TaggedBMesons

We report a measurement of the Bπν branching fraction based on 211fb1 of data collected with the BABAR detector. We use samples of B0 and B+ mesons tagged by a second B meson reconstructed in a semileptonic or hadronic decay and combine the results assuming isospin symmetry to obtain B(B0π+ν)=(1.33±0.17stat±0.11syst)×104. We determine the magnitude of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element |Vub| by combining the partial branching fractions measured in ranges of the momentum transfer squared and theoretical calculations of the form factor. Using a recent lattice QCD calculation, we find |Vub|=(4.5±0.5stat±0.3syst+0.70.5FF)×103, where the last error is due to the normalization of the form factor.

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