On the production of the six-quarkHdibaryon in the (K, K+) reaction

We investigate several ways of producing the stable doubly strange six-quark dibaryon H predicted by the MIT bag model. Various kinematical and dynamical arguments indicate that the (K, K+) double-strangeness-exchange reaction on nuclear targets affords the best chance for observing the H. Cross sections for the prototype reaction He3(K, K+n)H are calculated, using empirical data on the reaction KpK+Ξ as input, as well as an oscillator model for the quark-fusion process ΞpH. The spectrum for the quasielastic process He3(K, K+)nΞp is also calculated. For coincidence experiments involving both K+ and neutron detection at forward angles, the cross section for H production ranges from 10-30 nb/sr2 for K beam momenta between 1.4 and 2.2 GeV/c. If the H lies below the ΛΛ threshold, it can be nicely separated from the K+ quasielastic background, although π+'s misidentified as K+'s can be a problem for certain H masses. If only the K+ is detected, the separation of the H signal (≈ 0.5 μb/sr) from the quasielastic background can be achieved through a careful measurement of the K+ momentum spectrum. We assess the effects on our results of the rapid momentum dependence in the KpK+Ξ reaction, as well as short-range correlations in the He3 wave function.

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