Chronic Cyclitis

We previously described1 100 cases of chronic anterior uveitis primarily affecting the ciliary body and anterior vitreous and associated with optic disc changes and macular edema. After a period of time the peripheral choroid and retina were affected, and in severe or advanced cases the exudate accumulated in the inferior pars plana area. This entity, first described under the designation of cyclitis by Ernst Fuchs,2 has received renewed attention in the past few years, having been described as peripheral uveitis,3,4 pars planitis,5 and cyclitis with peripheral chorioretinitis.1 Apparently new ophthalmoscopic findings have caused some observers to believe they are dealing with a new entity, because indirect ophthalmoscopy with scleral depression shows exudation in the pars plana region in severe or advanced cases. A satisfactory name for this condition does not exist, but inasmuch as the primary site of the inflammation seems to be in the