Polarographic Determination of Cd(II) in the Presence of ln(III) Based on Their D-Gluconate Complexes

Cd(II) gave a one-stepped reversible wave at -0.776V vs. SCE in a mixed solution of sodium gluconate(0.1 mol/l), ammonia(0.6 mil/l) and potassium chloride(0.2 mol/l), while In(III) gave a one-stepped irreversible wave at -0.21 V vs. SCE in the same solutlon.The half-wave potential of Cd(II) in 0.lmol/1 sodium gluconate solution shifted toward negatve value by the elevations of ammonia concentration from O.1 to 1 Mol/1. The same tendency was also observed when sodium gluconate concentration was increased from O.02:to O.2mo1 in the O.6mol/l ammonia solution.Lingane's equation about the diffusion current of complex was applied to Cd(II)-gluconate-ammonia and the mixed ligand complex of Cd(II) was found to be (Cd(GHt(NH3)3)). But molar ratio of ln(III) complex was not clarified.Calibration curve for simultaeous determination of Cd(II)and In(III)was obtained in the concentration range from 0.1 to 0.5 mol/l by D.C. polarography.On the other hand, calibration cve for Cd(II) was obtained between 0 1 and 2 ppm by square wave polarography and 0.01 and 0.1 ppm by aodic stripping polorography with the aid of square wave polarographic technie. One hundred fold amout of In(III) did not interfer the determination of O.3 mmol/l Cd(III) by D.C. polarography. Furthermore, one thousand fold amount of In(III)did not interfer with the determination of 2 PPm Cd(II)by square wave polarography and OPPm Cd(II)by anodic stripping polarography with the aid of square wave pelarographic technique.

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