A comprehensive mechanistic kinetic model for enzymatic hydrolysis of insoluble cellulose has been synthesized by combining models for several key aspects which have been derived independent of each other. The model takes into account the major contributing factors: the nature of the enzyme system, the structure of cellulose, and the mode of interaction between the enzyme and cellulose molecules. It consists of a set of simultaneously occurring ordinary differential equations with ten kinetic constants. All of the kinetic constants have been determined independently by carrying out critically designed experiments, and they appear in the comprehensive model without any arbitrary manipulations. The governing equations of the model have been numerically simulated by means of the computer subroutine CSMP III. The model predicts the progress of hydrolysis of cellulose over a wide range of experimental conditions and hydrolysis times reasonably well. The model can even be applied to predict the progress of hydrolysis for intensively pretreated cellulose with a minor adjustment. The applicability of the model for the actual process development is also discussed.