Alterations of Streaming Potentials in Intact Canine Tibiae by Vascular Perfusion with Specific Ionic Solutions: A Pilot Study

In a canine tibia model, alterations in the magnitude of streaming potentials have been observed during perfusion of the limb vasculature with specific ionic solutions. After establishment of baseline streaming potentials during sinusoidal bending of the tibia in vivo initial blood replacement by perfusion with 0.157 M NaCl reduces the magnitude of streaming potentials from baseline values. Replacement of NaCl by 0.157 M NaH2PO4 increases streaming potentials, and replacement of NaCl by 0.105 M CaCl2 decreases streaming potentials. Streaming potential changes become detectable within minutes and continue to occur over a time course of roughly 40 min after introduction of each new solution. The direction of streaming potential magnitude alterations observed in vivo is consistent with in vitro tests, using similar bathing solutions. These qualitative observations demonstrate, for the first time, that streaming potential alterations can be accomplished via the vasculature, thereby opening the way for future studies seeking to identify physiological agents that affect these these bioelectrical signals