Schizophrenia as an Immunologic Disorder

THE PRESENT STUDY is part of a broad program to investigate the concept that schizophrenia is an immunologic disorder. We postulate that a unique globulin (antibody) in the serum of schizophrenic persons becomes attached to neural cell nuclei (antigen) in certain regions of the brain, principally the rostral forebrain region, to cause physiologic changes and associated psychotic behavior.1 The specificity of this reaction and differences between the globulin demonstrated in schizophrenic patients and that found in patients with other diseases were described.1 Previous reports by Heath and co-workers2,3 described the isolation of a protein fraction, labeled taraxein, from the serum of schizophrenic patients. When given intravenously, this substance induced catatonia and abnormal electroencephalograms (EEG) from the rostral forebrain region of Macaca rhesus monkeys, and caused symptoms of schizophrenia in prisoner-volunteers.4 Another study compared the characteristics and activity of

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