Disproportionate ileal digestion on canine food consumption

In animals, ileal sensors of nutrients signal satiety more potently than similar sensors in jejunum. We postulated that inadequate food intake and weight loss in human pancreatic insufficiency might arise by the displacement of digestion to ileum, where excessive release of digestive products would enhance satiety. To test this idea, we studied dogs prepared with pancreatic fistulas, which allowed reversible switching of pancreatic juice from entry at duodenum to entry at mid-small intestine. Dogs were studied in a crossover design over successive eight-day periods. Food consumption and body weight were measured while the dogs had continuous access to food. Diversion of pancreatic juice to mid-intestine significantly (PP<0.01) reduced body weight. The findings support the idea that insufficient food intake in human pancreatic insufficiency may result from stimulation of ileal satiety mechanisms.