Patient Skin Dose in Interventional Radiology Using Radiochromic Dosimetry Film

Various types of X-ray examinations are currently being carried out for the purpose of diagnosis. However, since dose limits for contamination by medical examinations have not been set, management of dose measurements and contamination records is called for. With increasing use of the IVR technique, reports of radiation injury and the symptoms associated with it have become more common. To advance our understanding of this situation and to reduce contamination, it is necessary to carry out contamination management. The reflection film on which colors are formed by irradiating X-rays has recently come into use. Dose measurement is possible with the use of this film, and, because effective results can be obtained as a result of performing fundamental examinations, the film actually provides dose measurements for the IVR technique. Another benefit is that maximum patient skin dose and dose distribution can be determined in addition to dose measurement. Moreover, since various methods were examined in this study, the method of dose evaluation is also reported for those wishing to employ it in the clinical setting.