Genetics of Ustilago violacea. X. The Pseudohyphal Mutation and Tetrad Analysis

The pseudohyphal mutation is responsible for elongate cells in chains and dull colonies with a ropy surface. A cross between pink pseudohyphal (.gamma.+ ph) and yellow sporidial (.gamma. ph+) strains was analyzed by random sporidial analysis, teliospore colony (intact tetrad) analysis, and teliospore colony-sporidia sampling. Both types of teliospore colony analysis gave parental ditype, nonparental ditype, and tetratype tetrads. The y and ph loci independently segregate. Because the y locus is centromere-linked, tetratype tetrads result from recombination between the ph locus and its centromere (.apprx. 4 cM [centimorgans]). Tetratype tetrads provide sporidia for the tetrad analysis of other mutations in parental strains.