Analysis of viral antigens in giant cells of measles pneumonia by immunoperoxidase method

Summary The localization of measles virus proteins was analyzed by immunoperoxidase method using both monospecific and monoclonal antibodies. In Vero cells infected with the Edmonston or EB-L strain, the former being a laboratory strain and the latter a fresh isolate from a measles patient, nucleocapsid protein was located in the nuclei, and matrix protein, phosphoprotein, haemagglutinin and fusion protein were located in the cytoplasm. In the lung tissues of eight cases with measles giant cell pneumonia, the similar findings were obtained. The presence of haemagglutinin on the surface of giant cells at the luminal side was also noticed. Histopathologically, measles giant cells had nuclear and cytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusion bodies with some differences in appearance. The significance of localization of viral proteins is discussed in comparison with histopathological findings in measles giant cells.