Investigation of the growth mechanism of diamond (111) facets using high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy

Diamond (111) facets deposited at 0.2% CH4 by remote feed with hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD) method have been investigated using high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (HREELS). The grown diamond (111) facets are terminated by CH radicals. With the help of atomic deuterium reaction with (111) facets, it is found that (111) facets consist of (111) faces and {110} steps, and atomic deuterium first replaces the hydrogen atoms adsorbed on (111) faces. After the continuous growth of grown diamond (111) facets at 0.2% CH4 of local feed for 30 min, CH3 vibrational modes on (111) facets have been detected. It is suggested that both C2H2 and CH3/CH4 contribute to the growth of diamond (111) surface, the C2H2 species to the growth along [011̄] direction, and CH3 radicals to the formation of kernels.