The Relationship between Drop In-Cloud Residence Time and Drizzle Production in Numerically Simulated Stratocumulus Clouds

This paper considers the production of drizzle in statocumulus clouds in relation to the boundary-layer turbulent kinetic energy and in-cloud residence times. It is shown that drizzle production in statocumulus of the order of 400 m in depth is intimately related to the vertical velocity structure of the cloud eddies. In a series of two dimensional numerical experiments with fixed cloud condensation nucleus concentrations, the effect on drizzle production of enhanced or diminished vertical velocities is simulated. Rather than do this by simulating clouds exhibiting more or less energy, we modify drop terminal velocities in a manner that conserves the fall velocity relative to the air motions and allows droplet growth to occur in a similar dynamical environment. The results suggest that more vigorous clouds produce more drizzle because they enable longer in-cloud dwell times and therefore prolonged collision-coalescence. In weaker clouds, droplets tend to fall out of the cloud before they have ach... Abstract This paper considers the production of drizzle in statocumulus clouds in relation to the boundary-layer turbulent kinetic energy and in-cloud residence times. It is shown that drizzle production in statocumulus of the order of 400 m in depth is intimately related to the vertical velocity structure of the cloud eddies. In a series of two dimensional numerical experiments with fixed cloud condensation nucleus concentrations, the effect on drizzle production of enhanced or diminished vertical velocities is simulated. Rather than do this by simulating clouds exhibiting more or less energy, we modify drop terminal velocities in a manner that conserves the fall velocity relative to the air motions and allows droplet growth to occur in a similar dynamical environment. The results suggest that more vigorous clouds produce more drizzle because they enable longer in-cloud dwell times and therefore prolonged collision-coalescence. In weaker clouds, droplets tend to fall out of the cloud before they have ach...