Muscle-joint models incorporating activation dynamics, moment-angle, and moment-velocity properties

Muscle input/output models incorporating activation dynamics, moment-angle, and moment-velocity factors are commonly used to predict the moment produced by muscle during nonisometric contractions; the three factors are generally assumed to be independent. We examined the ability of models with independent factors, as well as models with coupled factors, to fit input/output data measured during simultaneous modulation of the fraction of muscle stimulated (recruitment) and joint angle inputs. The models were evaluated in stimulated cat soleus muscles producing ankle extension moment, with regard to their potential applications in neuroprostheses with either fixed parameters or parameter adaptation. Both uncoupled and coupled models predicted the output moment well for random angle perturbation sizes ranging from 10 degrees to 30 degrees. For the uncoupled model, the best parameter values depended on the range of perturbations and the mean angle. Introducing coupling between activation and velocity in the model reduced this parameter sensitivity; one set of model parameter values fit the data for all perturbation sizes and also fit the data under isometric or constant stimulation conditions. Thus, the coupled model would be the most appropriate for applications requiring fixed parameter values. In contrast, with continuous parameter adaptation, errors due to changing test conditions decreased more quickly for the uncoupled model, suggesting that it would perform well in adaptive control of neuroprostheses.