Admission Body Temperature Predicts Long-Term Mortality After Acute Stroke

Background and Purpose— Body temperature is considered crucial in the management of acute stroke patients. Recently hypothermia applied as a therapy for stroke has been demonstrated to be feasible and safe in acute stroke patients. In the present study, we investigated the predictive role of admission body temperature to the long-term mortality in stroke patients. Methods— We studied 390 patients with acute stroke admitted within 6 hours from stroke onset. Admission clinical characteristics (age, sex, admission stroke severity, admission blood glucose, cardiovascular risk factor profile, and stroke subtype) were recorded for patients with hypothermia (body temperature ≤37°C) versus patients with hyperthermia (body temperature >37°C). Univariately the mortality rates for all patients were studied by Kaplan-Meier statistics. To find independent predictors of long-term mortality for all patients, Cox proportional-hazards models were built. We included all clinical characteristics and body temperature as a co...