The tobacco luminal binding protein is encoded by a multigene family.

We have cloned cDNAs of the tobacco homolog of the luminal binding protein (BiP) that has been described in other higher eukaryotes. In contrast to the mammalian and yeast protein, tobacco BiP is encoded by a multigene family. The gene products of all the cloned members of this family contain a carboxy-terminal His-Asp-Glu-Leu peptide that may form the signal for retention in the endoplasmic reticulum. Analysis of expression patterns revealed that BiP transcripts are predominantly present in tissues with high rates of cell divisions, in secretory tissues, and in cells treated with tunicamycin. We also show that a chimeric gene containing the coding region of one of the tobacco BiP genes is able to complement a mutation in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae BiP gene.