Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation with Me3SiOOSiMe3 under Assistance of SnCl4 or BF3·OEt2

Treatment of ketones with bis(trimethylsilyl) peroxide and Lewis acid such as SnCl4 or BF3·OEt2 in dichloromcthane at room temperature affords esters in fair to excellent yields. Jasmine lactone is synthesized from 2-[(Z)-2-pentenyl]cyclopentanone by means of Me3SiOOSiMe3–BF3·OEt2 system without any protection of the carbon-carbon double bond. The oxidation of enol acetates of ketones to α-hydroxy (or α-acetoxy) ketones with Me3SiOOSiMe3–FeCl3 system is also disclosed.