Correlated genetic and EcoRI cleavage map of Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage phi105 DNA

The seven previously identified EcoRI cleavage fragments of phi 105 DNA were ordered with respect to their sites of origin on the phage genome by marker rescue. One fragment, H, did not carry any determinants essential for replication. This fragment was totally missing in a deletion mutant which exhibited a lysogenization-defective phenotype. There is a nonessential region on the phi 105 genome which begins in fragment B, spans fragment H, and ends in fragment F. The size of the nonessential region, as estimated by alterations observed in the fragmentation patterns of deletion mutant DNAs, is approximately 2.7 X 10(6) daltons. Two new EcoRI cleavage fragments with molecular weights of approximately 0.2 X 10(6) were detected by autoradiography of 32P-labeled DNA. These small fragments were not located on the cleavage map.