I. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS The purpose of this paper is to present a study of the functional capacity of the undescended testis, with special reference to its potentialities for the production of spermatozoa. While much has been written about the histologic character of the undescended testis, little attention has been paid to its function. Nearly all physicians agree that the anatomic results of surgical treatment are good, but few have inquired about the function of the organs after their placement in the scrotum. The facts recently established by research workers and clinicians in this field of endocrinology are especially significant, though as yet they are incomplete. Important discoveries are constantly clarifying physicians' views and permitting definite therapeutic advances. The histologic aspects and the treatment of the undescended testis have been thoroughly discussed by Moore, Wangensteen, Meyer, Bevan, Cabot, Coley and others. However, a review of these subjects is given in order