Delay in Hearing Loss Following Drug Administration

The time course of threshold increase in the VIII nerve compound action potential was studied in guinea pigs following amikacin administration at four different constant infusion rates. Despite the wide range of dosing durations required to achieve drug ototoxicity (2-24 days), the full development of both high and low frequency hearing loss was invariably found to be delayed with respect to the time of drug removal. The greatest degree of delayed hearing loss generally occurred within the first 7 days after drug removal, with smaller losses occurring during later time intervals. The delay showed a tendency to decrease as the ototoxic dose was increased. Using the data from the two highest dosing rates, it was estimated that a minimum of 4 days had to elapse before any hearing loss could be detected, once an ototoxic amount of drug had been administered. These data suggest that hearing loss is always substantially delayed with respect to the receipt of an ototoxic dose of amikacin, and that this must be taken into account when conducting animal experiments and when monitoring hearing in patients for the early detection of ototoxicity.