Hyperfine resonance properties ofEr3+in Au

The direct hyperfine resonance spectra of the Γ7 ground state of isotopically enriched Er3+167 in a dilute Au matrix have been measured in the millikelvin temperature region at frequencies of 230-300 MHz. The spectra were fitted to an isotropic spin Hamiltonian with the magnetic hyperfine constant A and the pseudonuclear g factor gn as fitting parameters. Knowledge of gn makes it possible to estimate the energy separation Δ of the first-excited Γ8(1) quartet from the ground state. This separation was found to be 11 ± 2 K which is in fair agreement with reported measurements at X band, where Δ=16±6 K. The hyperfine constant A deduced from the rf spectrum is negative and |A| is approximately 2% smaller than the A value derived from the X-band spectrum. The linewidth is of the form a(H)+bT, where b=13 G/K and the residual linewidth a (H) is a function of magnetic field.